What people are saying…

“Most ‘photobooks’ sit on a coffee table and you distractedly flip through them looking at the pictures while waiting for something else. I started to do the same with “Last Day” but found myself reading the story of a particular dog…then another and another.  Beautiful and compelling photography and wonderfully written.”  Ron Bozzay, owner, Bozzay Media Group

“Mike, there are no words that can describe what you captured with your photos. I was in tears after just a couple of pages. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being their voice. They need us now more than ever.” Amy Babson, Pit Bull Defense Fund founder.

“I brought the book home to show my mother and she stole it from me and stayed up to read every page. The next day, when it was my turn, I also found it impossible to put down. In my opinion, the book scored 100% on photography, design and writing. I compliment your ability to describe what was happening on each page. I almost felt like I was there.” Karen Isbell, Editor for the Humane Society of Missouri’s Tails Magazine.

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